Lawyers and experts

Legal mat­ters requi­re more than just ans­we­ring legal ques­ti­ons. Every legal mat­ter is dri­ven by com­plex moti­va­ti­ons. Our lawy­ers have gai­ned diver­se pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­en­ces which enable them to under­stand your moti­va­ti­on not only as legal advi­sors.

WEILER WELINA JORNO Lawy­ers talk in clear and open terms to under­stand your nee­ds. We under­stand your moti­ve and offer bes­po­ke coun­se­ling.

Get to know our lawy­ers Jochen Weli­na and Fran­ces­co Jor­no and our of coun­sel expert Prof. Dr. Ben­ja­min Wei­ler.